Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sonic Adventure 1&2

OMG now we are going into the 3D sonic games. Lets do this. OK Sonic Adventure 1 was a very good game. the game was fast pace. also the Voice Acting was good. and it feature Creative bosses. but sadly there are bad things about this game. There is a glitch that instantly kills sonic. The Animations aren't all that great. Sonic Adventure 2 improved what Sonic Adventure 1 failed to do. The animations were smooth there was no glitches that instantly kill your character and the Chao Garden was soooooooo much better than SA1. but the only 2 bosses that were creative were King Boom Boo and the Egg Golem. Also the fact that the chao change color depending on if your part of the evil side or good side is annoying. 

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